Access will accept the text I enter, but when I open it
with my application I get an error, I am using microsoft
jet 4.0 as the DAO. If i do some queries on the table
where the memo field is the text is truncated in the
I thought (but I may be completely wrong) that jet 4 was an ADO library and
the most recent version of DAO was 3.6. In any case, this is a bit odd.
Because you mentioned truncation at 255 characters, I have to ask you to
check that we are talking about a Memo datatype field, not a Text one --
but apols if you've already ascertained that.
The next thing to do is to check the actual length of text stored: try
running a query like
SELECT LEN(MyMemoField) AS LengthOfMemo
FROM MyTable
WHERE PKValue = [RecordWithALongEntry]
and compare the result with what it should be.
If this says that the stored text is correct and greater than 255, it must
be a GUI problem. Check any Format or Max Length properties for the text
box on the form; try removing it and putting another one in to make sure
there are no defaults you have forgotten about. Don't forget to make sure
that MultiLine is True, ScrollBars is Vertical, EnterBehaviour is set to
something sensible. Use <shift-F2> to see any text that is scrolling out of
Try using another way of getting at the text string:
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT MyMemoField FROM MyTable WHERE PKValue = 1029", _
dbOpenSnapshot, dbForwardOnly)
Debug.Print rs!MyMemoField.Value
to see if it is all there.
Best of luck,
Tim F