Memo Field Creation


Michael Volz

To All on MSDN Access FormsCoding Discussion Forum:

I have an application where I would like to create a Memo
field that contains text, as well as data from other
fields in the same Access database, possibly in multiple
locations. Is this process possible in Access? Any help
or hints on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Larry Linson

Could you step back, take a good look at the problem, and restate in simple
terms for someone who doesn't already understand? I think I could reasonably
understand what you said in several ways, which, of course, is the same as
not understanding it at all.

Do you mean you want to create a Memo field at runtime, or just that you
want to populate an already-defined Memo field with information? If the
latter, then some more detail is going to be required for any specific

Michael Volz

I want to create a Memo field that is a template of a
letter that gets populated for the most part with Boiler
Plate text, plus locations throughout the Boiler Plate
letter that change per project or client that would be
populated with information from other fields in the

Basically, when a letter needs to be created for a new
project, I want the Memo field to be populated at Run-time
with data from the record that has just been created using
a form(s) to input the data.

I hope this clears up what I am trying to do, which at
this point I am not sure is possible. Thanks.

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