I've had to do the same thing with dBASE files. First find out what the code
for the character is by copying the 'box' to the clipboard and the using the
Asc function in the debug window:
? Asc(Paste the box in here)
You should then be able to replace the character in the memo field with:
UPDATE [YourTable]
SET [YourMemo] = REPLACE([YourMemo],CHR(#),CHR(13));
where # is the code for the 'box' character. Note that it appears that you
don't use the normal Chr(10) & Chr(13) carriage return/line feed characters
in this case, just the Chr(13) character.
As always with this sort of update operation be sure to back-up the table
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
-debi- said:
I have a Foxpro DBF memo field I am including in an ACCESS 2003 report, but
the paragraph tabs used when the data was entered are displaying as boxes.
How can this be corrected?
Thank you!