In one Excel spreadsheet (Excel 2000) we occasionally get a Excel.exe
Application error message - Instruction at "0x302b8dbf" referenced memory at
"0x00000030". The memory could not be read. Once we press OK the Excel
program "bombs" out. This happens on any PC that tries to access this file.
In the past we just restore the backup of this particular file from tape (i.e
one that works ok) but within a few weeks we get the same problem again. I
don't think there is anything special about this spreadsheet. Any ideas on
what could be causing this recurring problem.
Application error message - Instruction at "0x302b8dbf" referenced memory at
"0x00000030". The memory could not be read. Once we press OK the Excel
program "bombs" out. This happens on any PC that tries to access this file.
In the past we just restore the backup of this particular file from tape (i.e
one that works ok) but within a few weeks we get the same problem again. I
don't think there is anything special about this spreadsheet. Any ideas on
what could be causing this recurring problem.