does anyone know the reason outlook 2003 memory usage starts so hi and
continues to climb with what look like no end in sight, Mozilla thunderbird
starts and runs all day at about 14k memory usage, whereas Outlook 03 starts
at 39k and by simply mousing over toolbar buttons memory starts to climb,
send/receive? climbs some more and with every send/receive more memory used,
i wouldnt worry about the memory except it doesnt it doesnt free the memory
once the operation completes so after a full day i would be sitting at over
80k of memory tied up by oulook...
any ideas???
continues to climb with what look like no end in sight, Mozilla thunderbird
starts and runs all day at about 14k memory usage, whereas Outlook 03 starts
at 39k and by simply mousing over toolbar buttons memory starts to climb,
send/receive? climbs some more and with every send/receive more memory used,
i wouldnt worry about the memory except it doesnt it doesnt free the memory
once the operation completes so after a full day i would be sitting at over
80k of memory tied up by oulook...