Using the right click option, select the Reset Toolbars option. If that doesn't work, close Outlook, find and rename outcmd.dat. Reopen Outlook and see if that fixes your problem.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
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After furious head scratching, Jim Dykes asked:
| By the menu bar, I mean the toolbar with File, Edit, View, Go, etc.
| On the machine in question, I am able to right click on the toolbars
| that are visible to bring up a customize dialouge. My choices there
| are standard, advanced, menu bar and web. I can check/uncheck all of
| these except menu. I may just be missing it, but I don't see a view
| button. I'm familiar with the view menu, but that's not accessible
| on the problem machine because the entire toolbar is missing.
| "Tom Miller" wrote:
||| A user contacted me and said she did something to cause the menu
||| bar to dissappear in Outlook. I tried resetting the toolbars, and
||| also tried deleting outcdm.dat. The menu bar is still AWOL. >Any
||| other suggestions?
|| Maybe I'm not too clear on what the "menu bar" is but if you can get
|| to the view button, see what you have checked for display.
|| Hope this helps,
|| --
|| Tom Miller, Warning! I show flashes of Competence!! More at:
||, International Webmasters
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|| 770,000+ downloads.
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