Menu Bars / Toolbars Order AC 2003



I have three Menu bars (can be toolbars) that I want displayed in my
application. I am using the docmd.showtoolbar all 3 toolbars are appearing.
However, I want them displayed in a specific sequence... Toolbar1 on top,
Toolbar2 in the middle and toolbar3 on the bottom and I am having an
impossible time getting that to happen. Once I get them in the right
sequence then I will lock them down (not moveable / not changable).

Is there a way I can force this? Any Suggestions?


If you are going to lock them down anyway, why not just create one
menu/toolbar and place the options in the order you want them?


Rick Roberts

Hi Steve,

I have too many controls to place on one toolbar and have them all fit going
across the display. Office/Access does some strange deselecting of icons
when this happen. Also like other toolbars I want them grouped logically.

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