Menu tag


Tarjei T. Jensen

I belive that I want to tag a custom menu.

If I use this tag to delete a menu, will the elements in the menu get
deleted as well? The code I intend to use is shown below (I may add "on
error resume next"). Will elements added to the menu inherit the tag?

With Application.CommmandBars
.FindControl(tag:=mytag, visible:=False ).Delete
Loop Until .FindControl(Tag:=mytag, Visible:=False) Is Nothing
End With

The idea was lifted from


Charles Kenyon

How about simply disabling the toolbar / menu and making it invisible?

Yes, if you delete a menu, you delete its constituent parts. You don't
delete underlying macros or commands, but you do delete the menu.

Charles Kenyon

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Tarjei T. Jensen

Charles said:
How about simply disabling the toolbar / menu and making it invisible?

Because that is not what I want to do. The point is to delete the menu and
rebuild it with new components.
Yes, if you delete a menu, you delete its constituent parts. You don't
delete underlying macros or commands, but you do delete the menu.

Thanks. Then I won't have to loop through the components and delete them.


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