Menu toolbar problem


Fred Kruger

i have a globally mounting template onto which i built a
number of drop menu's and distribute it onto anumber of
other machines. recently i noticed i had lost a menu so i
copied from a previous version i had the menu back into
the template.

This menu is called general, however when i have loaded
it onto another machine i see that the original is still
there and the one i copied also. I renamed them both
general 1 and genral 2 to see which one was visible on my
first machine and saw it was general 2 so i deleted
general 1 and replaced the menu on my machine however
general 2 dissapeared all the machines use either windows
xp or NT 4 with office 97 installed.

Anyone any ideas why this one menu should dissapear.


Word Heretic

G'day "Fred Kruger" <[email protected]>,

use VBA to give your menus (commandbars) unique names.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at

Fred Kruger was spinning this yarn:

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