Menu using Include




I've used an include to bring in my nav bar onto all the pages of a website.
Problem is, my client wants to see the menu item highlighted (underlined)
when you are on that particular .htm page. I don't know how, or if you can,
modify part of the include, depending on which page you are on?


Thomas A. Rowe

This can be done if the entire site is based on Server-Side scripting, such as ASP, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network


It's easy to do with CSS or with javascript.

With CSS you would have a little stylesheet embedded in the head of each
page that allows you to set the down state for any given button (each button
would have a unique id - for example -

<a href="foo.html" id="button1">...<a href="bar.html" id="button2">

and then your stylesheet would have this -

a#button1 { styles }

on one page, and on another this -

a#button2 { styles }

See how that works?

With javascript, put this in script tags in the head of the document -

function P7_downImage() {
var g7="<imagename>"
var g7url="<pathname>"
if ((g7=MM_findObj(g7))!=null) {g7.src=g7url;}

and this on the <body> tag


Then on each page you would need to make two edits:

Set g7 to the *name* of the button (not the file name but the HTML name -
e.g., "productsbutt"), and g7url to the pathname to the button (e.g.,
"images/nav/button3.gif"), and bada bing, bada boom!

There is an excellent tutorial here -


Thanks!! I'll try that!

Murray said:
It's easy to do with CSS or with javascript.

With CSS you would have a little stylesheet embedded in the head of each
page that allows you to set the down state for any given button (each button
would have a unique id - for example -

<a href="foo.html" id="button1">...<a href="bar.html" id="button2">

and then your stylesheet would have this -

a#button1 { styles }

on one page, and on another this -

a#button2 { styles }

See how that works?

With javascript, put this in script tags in the head of the document -

function P7_downImage() {
var g7="<imagename>"
var g7url="<pathname>"
if ((g7=MM_findObj(g7))!=null) {g7.src=g7url;}

and this on the <body> tag


Then on each page you would need to make two edits:

Set g7 to the *name* of the button (not the file name but the HTML name -
e.g., "productsbutt"), and g7url to the pathname to the button (e.g.,
"images/nav/button3.gif"), and bada bing, bada boom!

There is an excellent tutorial here -


Ohhh... Not familiar with ASP, unfortunately.

Thomas A. Rowe said:
This can be done if the entire site is based on Server-Side scripting, such as ASP, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

Thomas A. Rowe

See Murray's reply.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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