Menu Won't Stay in New Position on Toolbar When Outlook Restarted



I drag and drop a menu to a new postion on the Outlook toolbar. Each time I
close Outlook and restart, the menu moves back to its default position.

How can I get it to stay in the new position permanently?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You can try renaming outcmd.dat but it will probably not work. Do you have
add-ins installed in Outlook? If yes, then someone took a few shortcuts when
programming it and it is causing toolbars to roam.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Rippy asked:

| I drag and drop a menu to a new postion on the Outlook toolbar. Each
| time I close Outlook and restart, the menu moves back to its default
| position.
| How can I get it to stay in the new position permanently?


Thanks for your suggestion. Please explain what renaming the file will do.
I like to understand the action before I perform it.

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