Hi Matt,
In general Microsoft didn't make the old toolbars visible for use in the new User Interface, but there are several 3rd party tools
(some free, some not) that you can use, depending on your needs. If you have a retail edition of Microsoft Office 2007 and would
prefer to continue to use the other version you may be able to use the Microsoft software return/refund information here.
If you prefer to keep Office 2007 then these are some of the third party add-in tools available.
Toolbar Toggle
This is the only that I recall that allows you to 'float' old style toolbars to have them in locations on your screen other than
'top row'.
Ribbon Customizer
This product includes old style toolbar visibility as well as tools to customize the Ribbon instead/in addition to that
Both of these products reverts from their full feature 'Professional' version to a free versions to lite/starter editions after 30
days that still allows you to use the old style toolbars.
You'll find other 3rd party tools by clicking the 'Toolbars and Menus' category choice on
and more through searching on
http://google.com or Microsoft's
Note, that a lot of the keyboard shortcuts from the older versions still work in the 2007 versions. For example to get to what was
Tools=>Options menu
both of these keyboard shortcuts work in Word 2007
Word 2007's: Alt, F, I
Word 2003's: Alt, T, O
You'll find 'cheat sheets' on many of the was/is combinations in the downloads from Microsoft available here.
I would really like to use word 2007 with the old menu style. Is there any
way to change it. I really don't have the time or need to learn the new style
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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