Thanks to Cindy Meister for providing a link to Leigh Weber's website which
gives an example of a word main document and an imbedded list pulled from an
Access query. i.e. 'compound merge'
Is it possible to include workgroup and user information in the code
when the called query resides in a secure database?
Example: secure workgroup ABC.MDW username - User no password
{DATABASE \d "C:\\Test\\TestA.mde" \c "DSN=MS Access
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s " select ItemDesc FROM
\"qLtrMissItem\" where AppID=13}
gives an example of a word main document and an imbedded list pulled from an
Access query. i.e. 'compound merge'
Is it possible to include workgroup and user information in the code
when the called query resides in a secure database?
Example: secure workgroup ABC.MDW username - User no password
{DATABASE \d "C:\\Test\\TestA.mde" \c "DSN=MS Access
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s " select ItemDesc FROM
\"qLtrMissItem\" where AppID=13}