Should I store it as another data type?
Unfortunately, Word merge will not recognise formatting in any kind of text
you store in Access. You have to put the text somewhere else, or ensure that
it is outside Access when you perform the merge, or be willing to fetch the
text programmatically (along the lines I suggested in my previous message).
Word will recognise formatting if the data source is a Word document and you
use e.g.
{ mytextfield } rather than { MERGEFIELD mytextfield }
However, I would test that that works for you before committing to it. (In
fact, the same is true for all these methods, particularly since INCLUDETEXT
does not appear to be as reliable as it used to be, but also because the
more complicated the text & layout, the less likely that it will be included
as you hoped).
If you can keep your texts outside Access then you need something in each
Access record to tell you which text to insert. You can then use the trick I
mentioned earlier except using INCLUDETEXT rather than INCLUDEPICTURE. You
can keep each text in a separate file, and use e.g.
{ INCLUDETEXT "{ MERGEFIELD textfilepath }" }
Or you can put all the texts in a single file and use bookmarks to identify
them, and use e.g.
{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\textfilepath\mytexts.doc" "{ MERGEFIELD bookmarkname }" }
Or some combination of the two.
If you want to keep your texts in Access, the main thing to think about is
how you are going to get them out again - a .doc file would have to be
stored as an object AFAIK, whereas you could probably store .rtf or .htm
text as "plain text" (containing all the necessary formatting codes of
course) in a memo field, then export each text into a .rtf or .htm file.
[[You might even be able to do this "on demand" by using DDE to connect to
Access, using a query as the data source, and having that query reference a
user-defined (VBA) function in Access that exports the data for the current
record. I experimented with this once and it seemed to work for small record
counts, but it probably won't scale up for larger record counts and is
probably not worth pursuing]]