Merge Access 2002 Runtime Setup With SP3



I deploy the MS Access 2002 (XP) Runtime to all of the PCs in
my domain via an Active Directory GPO. I want to slipstream the ART
SP3 into the Admin Install Point and redeploy, but I am having no luck
with the merge process. I have done this successfully with other
Microsoft products (ART 2000, Office 2K, Office XP), but on the 2002
ART, it does not work. I have tried on multiple PCs with fresh
versions of the ART. The command line I am using is below:

msiexec /a D:\Access\ART\ACCESSRT.MSI /p D:\Access\SP3\ArtSP3ff.msp

When the above command line is launched, the "Windows
Installer" "Preparing to install…" window appears then disappears, and
no other dialogue boxed are displayed. I have also tried the /qf

The only thing I can find in the log that looks like an error is
below, but I do not know what it means. Maybe it thinks that the
language version of the ART and SP are different (They are both the
"English" versions)?

MSI (s) (98:B4): APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with
ProductCode '{901C0409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9}'.
MSI (s) (98:B4): APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.

The end of the log looks like this:

=== Logging stopped: 7/8/2004 22:10:47 ===
MSI (c) (5C:44): Note: 1: 1707
MSI (c) (5C:44): Product: Microsoft Access 2002 Runtime --
Installation operation completed successfully.

MSI (c) (5C:44): Attempting to delete file (Edit)\67f1b6.msp
MSI (c) (5C:44): Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (5C:44): Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any
MSI (c) (5C:44): MainEngineThread is returning 0
=== Verbose logging stopped: 7/8/2004 22:10:47 ===

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, if someone has
successfully merged SP3 into an Access 2002 RT Admin Install Point,
please post a message so I know I'm not trying to do the impossible.


- Darrel

Wayne Morgan

Have you applied Sp 1 & 2 to the admin share? It may be looking for a
previously patched version.


The only service pack available for the Access 2002 Runtime is
Service Pack 3, which I have tried to apply. I have attempted to apply
the full file versions of Office XP SP 1, 2 and 3 to the install
point, the result being a message box that states you are trying to
either patch the incorrect program or the program does not exist.

I have also regenerated the runtime setup files from within
Access 2002 using an Office XP admin install point that has been
patched with SP3, but it still did not work. It must pull MSAccess.exe
from the original .cab file instead of using the new files.

Allen Browne

Darrel, I asked the same question a few weeks ago, and was told that the
Package Wiz is not powerful enough to do this. Apparently we are expected to
apply the ART patch to every workstation after install.

Some answers suggested that someone else - Sage or Wise or someone - made an
installer that was better, at a price, but I have not tested this

Brendan Reynolds

To the best of my knowledge, at least using the tools supplied by Microsoft,
there is no better solution than installing the service packs separately
after installing the runtime. I can't say for sure whether the third party
tools available will solve this particular problem, but if you are deploying
to a large number of users, I'd certainly check it out. SageKey
( provide tools to create MSI packages that can be used 'as
is' or further customised using other third party tools such as the Wise and
InstallShield products.

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

The spammers and script-kiddies have succeeded in making it impossible for
me to use a real e-mail address in public newsgroups. E-mail replies to
this post will be deleted without being read. Any e-mail claiming to be
from brenreyn at indigo dot ie that is not digitally signed by me with a
GlobalSign digital certificate is a forgery and should be deleted without
being read. Follow-up questions should in general be posted to the
newsgroup, but if you have a good reason to send me e-mail, you'll find
a useable e-mail address at the URL above.


Well, it looks like I'm out of luck. I was hoping that I was missing
something or there was some kind of trick to making it work,
especially since on Microsoft's page for ART SP3:

there is a link to the page that explains how to patch an admin
install point: .

I was hoping to avoid patching all of the clients individually, but it
looks like it may come to that. I was also considering waiting until
Windows Update Services was released, but according to this article:,1995,1622941,00.asp?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535

it is being delayed from mid-2004 till mid-2005.

Thanks to everyone for their responses.

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