Merge Calendar from Pop Account to Exchange Account in Entourage 2008


Andrew Bowers

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4.11
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Moving from Pop to Exchange

Hi there,

I've just moved from Entourage 2004 to Entourage 2008.

Previously I was working with a Pop account. I¹ve now configured my Exchange
account and have moved all my email folders and emails from the local drive
to the exchange server. However, I¹m trying to move my calendar entries from
the local calendar to the exchange calendar. The only way I can see of doing
this is to manually drag and drop each calendar event from the local to the
exchange account. I have hundreds of entries and this will take a very long

Is there any way to move local calendar entries to the exchange account en

(My old Pop account calendar and my new exchange calendar are in the same
account, so I don¹t think I can use an Œexport¹ method.)

Many thanks,

Andrew Bowers.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Andrew Bowers said:
Hi there,

Hi Andrew,
I've just moved from Entourage 2004 to Entourage 2008.

Previously I was working with a Pop account. I've now configured my Exchange
account and have moved all my email folders and emails from the local drive
to the exchange server. However, I'm trying to move my calendar entries from
the local calendar to the exchange calendar. The only way I can see of doing
this is to manually drag and drop each calendar event from the local to the
exchange account. I have hundreds of entries and this will take a very long

There is a much easier way.
Create a custom view for all your local events (eg: Calendar is on my
computer, title contains a or title does not contain a). In the custom
view, you can select all events and then use the Move To... command,



        Hi Andrew,

There is a much easier way.
Create a custom view for all your local events (eg: Calendar is on my
computer, title contains a or title does not contain a). In the custom
view, you can select all events and then use the Move To... command,

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Hi Corentin,

Great solution! Thanks very much!!!

Entourage struggled to transfer all the calendar entries and crashed
repeatedly, but we got there in the end and all events are now moved.

Your swift response and help are very appreciated.



Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi Corentin,

Hi Andrew,
Great solution! Thanks very much!!!

Entourage struggled to transfer all the calendar entries and crashed
repeatedly, but we got there in the end and all events are now moved.

It shouldn't have happened. I've trasnfered hundres and hundreds of
events like that without any problem.
You might consider rebuiling your Identity (launch Entourage pressing
the alt key down).

Your swift response and help are very appreciated.

My pleasure,


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