merge csv and I get pages full of fields, not one per page



I am trying to print business card sixed stock on a card printer and I want
a sequestial number on each one.
I created a database field and it reads the database fine but instead of
printing on field on each card, it prints the first card as formatted and
the read are fill of the data fields.

card one:
this card contains this number
this card is for the use of
blah blah blah
the rest of the cards look like this.

I want the text to repeat and the number to increment.
note that I can't use the number itself, I have to use a database.
the number will be convertee to an ITF bar code font so it
has to be translated to a special code first.
But I haven't gotten that far yet.

Peter Jamieson

Can you please tell us
a. which version of Word you are using
b. what fields and text are in the first cell (or "card") of your mail
merge main document
c. what fields and text are in the subsequent cells (or "card") of your
mail merge main document?

For (b) and (c), use Alt-F9 to show the fields in their {} format, e.g. {
MERGEFIELD whatever }

Peter Jamieson


sorry for the delay,

This is the field content:

DATABASE \d "C:\\My Docs\\100 Numbers.csv" \c "" \s "SELECT * FROM C:\\My
Docs\\100 Numbers.csv" \h

I am just trying to put a sequential number on each card. the number will be
in barcode format (ITF) which requires a translation first. I do the
translation in excel and export the results to csv. Then I want to put line
one on card one, line two on card two etc.
but all the numbers that will fit end up on the same page (card).
this has to be page formatting doesn't it?
I'm using Word 2003

Peter Jamieson

1. Follow the link to Graham Mayor's site that Suzanne Barnhill has given to
you. it could tell you everything you need.

2. When you use a DATABASE field, Word will try to put the results of an
entire database (or table/query, or column in a table/query) into a single
cell/label in your label layout. That'a unlikely to be what you want. What
you probably need is to specify a data source that has one record for each
label you want to produce, and to have a label layout that has a single
table cell for each label.
the number will be in barcode format (ITF) which requires a translation

As for that, as long as you have a barcode font that provides the correct
bits of barcode for each barcode digit in your daa source, you should be
able to produce what you need. but you may need more help so please keep
askng the questions.

Peter Jamieson

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