Merge data and save the word document every time under new name


Roman Timchenko

Hi everyone,

I am AS/400 person, but I need to write a micro where
every time after mail merge I have to save a word
document as a new one. I could do it by hardcoding
like this ActiveApplication.SaveAs "C:\LetterMerge1.doc".
It saves it, but next time the server overrides it with
new document. Can anybody help and show me a code that
will concatenate word document with time
and save it?

Thank, Roman.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Hi Roman


' Macro created by Doug Robbins to save each letter created by a mailmerge
as a separate file.
Dim Letters As Integer, Counter As Integer
Letters = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Counter = 1
While Counter < Letters
DocName = "LetterMerge" & LTrim$(Str$(Counter)) & Format(Date,
"yyyyMMdd") & ".doc"
ActiveDocument.Sections(2).PageSetup.SectionStart = wdSectionContinuous
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=DocName, FileFormat:= _
wdFormatDocument, LockComments:=False, Password:="",
AddToRecentFiles:= _
True, WritePassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False,
EmbedTrueTypeFonts:= _
False, SaveNativePictureFormat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, _
Counter = Counter + 1

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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