Merge data from Excel into different docs in one Word file



Re: Mail merge from one data soure to a number of different main

In: microsoft.public.word.mailmerge.fields

Doug: The Word 2003 file has 16 different mail merge letters with each
letter identified with a different letter type code. The Excel 2003 file has
data listed on 60 individuals. One column in this Excel file shows the
letter type code to be used for each individual's letter.

We are trying to figure out how to merge the Excel individual data to the
correct Word letter type in one mail merge function.

Letter type "E1" for example does not have an individual in the Excel data
file with a letter type code "E1" so there would be no records to merge into
the "E1" letter; however, there are 2 individuals that should be merging into
the "E2" letter, etc.

We tried the Insert Word Field "Next Record If" Letter equal to E2, and
tried the "Skip Record If" Letter not equal to E2, but neither one is

It will take the first name on the Excel file which has a letter type ID of
"C10" and merge this data into all 16 different letter types, and then go to
the next record and merge that data into all 16 deifferent letter types.

What are we not doing correctly?

Doug Robbins

I don't think that you are doing anything wrong - other than you are trying
to make Word do something of which it is not capable.

You should do a series of mailmerges, each one to the relevant letter type
with entries in the "letter type code" field being used to filter the
records that are merged to each letter type.

You can probably use a Skipif field as a crude type of filter, but you will
not be able to get away for rerunning the merge for each letter type and
setting the appropriate criteria in the Skipif field.

The only other way would would be to use visual basic to do the whole thing

Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.

Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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