Merge Document and Fill in Form (Word 2000)



We are trying to modify a Performance Evaluation template
form in Word 2000. The employee data is merged into the
form from an excel spreadsheet. The mail merge process
works fine but we are wondering if there is a way to do
the following:

1. How do we make it possible for Manager and Employee to
fill and sign the form electronically without having to
print it out. This would minimize chances of it falling
into the wrong hands.

2. Is it possible to make the text in the Employee Name:
field either repeat in the footer of the document, or be
automatically filled in as the name of the document. This
is so as to distinguish the document from others.

At this point we are unable to proceed without a solution
to these issues. I appreciate any insights you may have.



Peter Jamieson

For point (1), can you please tell us more about how you see the process
- what is being produced?
- at what point in the process do you envisage the manager and employee
signing something?
- what sort of electronic signature are you thinking of?

For point (2), if the Employee name is coming from your mail merge data
source, you should be able to insert an additional copy of the { MERGEFIELD
"Employee Name" } field in the header/footer, at least if the merge is a
"Letter" type merge. If the name is being provided by a FILLIN, you can try
- changing the FILLIN to an ASK. In an ASK field you specify a bookmark
name for the result of the ASK, then use a REF field such as { REF
employee_name } to insert the results.
- or nesting the FILLIN inside a SET, e.g.

{ SET employee_name "{ FILLIN "whatever" }" }

and using { REF employee_name } to insert the results.

If you want to name the output file using the employee name you will
probably need to use some VBA - if you go to Google groups and search this
newsgroup for Doug Robbins splitter you should find some VBA code that will

Peter Jamieson


Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

The current Performance Eval template doc in WD2000 needs to be modified so
that we can encourage Managers and employees to fill it out online and
preferably sign it online as well. Currently, the HR Dept gives a CD to each
manager containing their employee evaluation files in separate documents and
the managers have to print out the form to fill and sign before returing hard
copy to HR.

We are trying to change this process to make it more secure, expeditious and

The data source with the employee data is in Excel. After the mail merge we
want to have a Word document that prompts or asks the manager or employee for
answers as they tab or go from field to field. They have a space for
signature at the bottom of the document. We want them to sign the document
electronically by importing their signature to that field programmatically.
After they are done filling out the form, and importing their signature, the
wizard should prompt them to click on Finish and the file is then saved using
as the "Employee Name" as the name of the saved file. The "Employee Name"
coming from the field at the top of the document. Also, we want the document
to be locked when saved.

That is what we want to do here. Any additional help would be very much
appreciated. I will seach for Doug Robbins splitter and see if I can modify
the VBA code.


Peter Jamieson

OK, I can only really makle a few more points and ask a few more questions.

I think you need to be sure that your approach will in fact be more secure
than a more paper-based one. I can imagine that is OK for one of the people
involved if each user has a well-protected set of personal folders on your
network, but it's not so simple if two people have to sign, unless perhaps
they carry their signature files on removable devices. How forgeable might
these signatures, be, etc. Not my area, but either you already know how to
do all that stuff or you need to talk to someone who understands the
security and legal implications of using such signatures.

It still isn't completely clear to me how the process will actually work.
Will there be a single Excel file with the employee data relevant to each
manager? In which case, is the manager going to do one merge at a time,
selecting an employee, then going through the report with the employee at
hand to agree and sign? Or is there one Excel file per employee? Why not
pre-merge all the employee reports and just leave the manager with a
form-filling exercise? Or do they need to be able to modify the text of the
report? Wha privacy issues might there be?

Although you don't actually say so, I get the impression that you are
thinking of using an "online" form (i.e. using Word Form fields) for the
form-filling part. But if you are generating that from a Merge, you need to
consider how to do it, because form fields are not correctly preserved.
There is sample code in the MS KB, or it might be that the form resides in a
separate Word doc. and you piece together the report from the form+a file
generated from the merge. However, my inclination would be to use a VBA
userform on the grounds that
a. you will get much more control
b. it will be easier to do things such as let the manager specify an
employee name or an EWxcel data source, or both, and do correct validation
on the data
c. it would probably also be easier to do stuff such as locate a signature,
display a preview in the userform, and so on

Just my 2 cents' worth,

Peter Jamieson


Again, I thank you for your detailed questions and
suggestions. Here are some answers to the questions you

There are basically two processes going on.

1.The mail merge process is performed by HR prior to
sending the documents to the respective Managers. Hence my
prior question regarding ways to repeat text fields on the
final document. This way the Employee Name can be plced on
each page (Header or Footer) to differentiate it from
other pages when printed out.

2. The process we are having the most difficulty with is
the form filling exercise. I need to clarify that the
Manager receives a pre-merged document in Word for each
employee and needs to fill it out. We want to create an
automated way for the Manager to fill out the document,
append his/her signature to it and send the document on
its way. There will be secure access to the documents on
the network for the Managers and HR.

What I am not clear about is your suggestion of using a
VBA userform. Wouldn't this mean having to redesign the
form? Whereas all the Manager needs to do is fill out the
remaining sections with their comments on the employee's
performance. I wonder if it would be possible to use a
process that includes a question-and-answer exchange
without a re-designing and creating a new form. Thanks in
advance for any comments you may have.


Peter Jamieson

What I am not clear about is your suggestion of using a
VBA userform. Wouldn't this mean having to redesign the
form? Whereas all the Manager needs to do is fill out the
remaining sections with their comments on the employee's

Yes, it would, but it wasn't clear to me what your starting point was and
you've now clarified that. If you already have the form and it all works
except for a couple of problems that need solving, I'd obviously stick with
that. However, when it comes to appending the signature, you're probably
going to need some VBA. You could probably do something like get the
manager/employee to type the name of his/her signature file into a form
field or FILLIN/ASK field, then use an INCLUDEPICTURE field with a nested
bookmark/REF field to include the image.

Peter Jamieson

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