Merge Eliminates Records with Duplicate Last Names



I am doing a merge from Excel into Word using Office 2003. The document I'm
creating is just a listing of names separated by a comma. My problem is that
the merge is omitting records where the last name is the same as another
record even though the first names are different. For example, there is John
Smith and Jane Smith but only John Smith is listed.

I have the document set up as:

<<FName>> <<LName>>, [Next Record]

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get all the names to merge?

Peter Jamieson

It looks as if you have a <<Next record>> field that should not be there (it
will make Word skip every other record). Delete it.

If your merge is set up as a "Form Letters" merge, change it to be a
"Directory" merge (if you don't know how, enable the MailMerge toolbar in
Word Tools|Customize, then click the first button).

Peter Jamieson


Thank you. I did have it set up for Directory. I had to change the format to:

<<FName>> <<LName>>, [Next Record] <<FName>> <<LName>>

Once I did that then it merged all the records.

Thanks for your help.

Peter Jamieson said:
It looks as if you have a <<Next record>> field that should not be there (it
will make Word skip every other record). Delete it.

If your merge is set up as a "Form Letters" merge, change it to be a
"Directory" merge (if you don't know how, enable the MailMerge toolbar in
Word Tools|Customize, then click the first button).

Peter Jamieson
vtsun said:
I am doing a merge from Excel into Word using Office 2003. The document I'm
creating is just a listing of names separated by a comma. My problem is
the merge is omitting records where the last name is the same as another
record even though the first names are different. For example, there is
Smith and Jane Smith but only John Smith is listed.

I have the document set up as:

<<FName>> <<LName>>, [Next Record]

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get all the names to

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