Merge Excel data into specific form areas in a Word Doc



Alright, if anyone can figure this one out, you'll save me a bundle of time
and teadious typing:) !

If in Excel, I currently have, let's say the following on row "D"

d1 name
d2 address
d3 city
d4 state
d5 zip
d6 account number

And in Word, I have a protected form with 6 text form fields which use the
tab button to move from one text form field to the next.

So let's say the following is true in my protected form in Word...

Text Form Field 1 - name
Text Form Field 2 - address
Text Form Field 3 - city
Text Form Field 4 - state
Text Form Field 5 - zip
Text Form Field 6 - account number

How do I export the Excel data from row "D" to each of the respective Text
form fields in the Form I have from Word?

Thanks so much for anyone's help on this

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?ZHV1Z2c=?=,

This needs macro code ("of course"). The basic code to automate Word from
Excel, or vice versa, you'll find on Once you have that, you
should be able to pick up the data from Excel. To place it into a form field,
you need the basic syntax:
ActiveDocument.Formfields("NameOfField").Result = "data"
Alright, if anyone can figure this one out, you'll save me a bundle of time
and teadious typing:) !

If in Excel, I currently have, let's say the following on row "D"

d1 name
d2 address
d3 city
d4 state
d5 zip
d6 account number

And in Word, I have a protected form with 6 text form fields which use the
tab button to move from one text form field to the next.

So let's say the following is true in my protected form in Word...

Text Form Field 1 - name
Text Form Field 2 - address
Text Form Field 3 - city
Text Form Field 4 - state
Text Form Field 5 - zip
Text Form Field 6 - account number

How do I export the Excel data from row "D" to each of the respective Text
form fields in the Form I have from Word?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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