I need Word to format a social security # merge field in this format:
___-__-6789. In other words, I need to hide all but the last 4 digits. My
data source (which I have no contrrol over) is already in SSN format
(123-45-6789). Using \# "___-__-#### gives me the the sum of 123 minus 45
minus 6789.
In a related topic, I need to achieve a similar effect with a mixed (text &
number) field. THe data source has both a name and an SSN. I need it to
dis[play like this: Name Name ___-__-6789. Is this even possible?
___-__-6789. In other words, I need to hide all but the last 4 digits. My
data source (which I have no contrrol over) is already in SSN format
(123-45-6789). Using \# "___-__-#### gives me the the sum of 123 minus 45
minus 6789.
In a related topic, I need to achieve a similar effect with a mixed (text &
number) field. THe data source has both a name and an SSN. I need it to
dis[play like this: Name Name ___-__-6789. Is this even possible?