Merge fields in 2nd page header


Steve Ikard

I am creating letters via Word 2000 (SP3) mailmerge. On
the first page of the letter the "First-Name" and "Last-
Name" fill in nicely in the address block. I want to also
use both of those fields in a 2nd page header:
First-Name Last-Name
Page x of x

Whenever text flows over to a second page, the date and
page x of x fields fill in correctly; however the first
and last names simply show the field names and NOT the
merged first and last names. If the operator forces the
second page with Ctrl-Enter, it never fills in correctly.
If the operator lets the text flow naturally from page 1
to the second page, it sometimes works, but not always.
Any ideas on how to make the First and Last name merge
fields fill in correctly all the time in the 2nd page
header? Thanks!

Steve Ikard

Charles Kenyon

Use a StyleRef field instead. Select your name fields on page 1 and create a
new character style called "name" which isn't any different from the current
formatting. Then in your 2nd page header insert a StyleRef field for the
"name" style.
Charles Kenyon

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