Merge Fields shows "ZERO"




I have a data in excel which i merge in word ..but where ever the data in
not there in puts "ZERO" which i have to painfully remove one by
one after merge...anything which suppress this menance..other issue is that..
i hav EMI ..colum which has numbers and some have " AS PER SCHEDULE" while i
merge ...the numbers appears where ever it is and "ZERO" in the place of "AS
PER SCHEDULE" which i want the same data as there in can
I get all what is there in excel..i want simply more
plays very hard to change each every page..pls help..another deadly issue is
where ever i have blank fields in my cheque date column which i merge it in
word..I get "12:00 AM" which i dont want...what is this...i want the program
to merge and leave it blank ..if there is no value..why to put unnecessary by
itself.....pls help sort out..this very intellegent barracks..of no
use to me!!!!!!!!!

Peter Jamieson

Do you mean it puts "0", or do you really mean it puts the text "ZERO" ?

If it is "0" I suggest you try the DDE method mentioned at

(I know this is not a real solution but if you read the rest of the page
there you will see why it is very hard to solve this problem properly unless
Microsoft change their software).


Hi Safi,

Word's mailmerge does not insert 'ZERO' if a field is empty - it may interpret an numeric empty field as '0' and an empty date field
as '1/1/1900 12:00AM', however.

To suppress an unwanted '0', you'll need to modify the mergefield by adding a numeric picture swith to it. To do this:
.. select the formfield and press Shift-F9. You should see something like '{MERGEFIELD Value}'
.. add a numeric picture switch to the field (eg '{MERGEFIELD Value $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00);}. It's the final ';' that supresses zero
Note that this will suppress both the 0s resulting from empty fields and those from fields containing 0s.

To suppress the unwanted '12:00 AM', you'll need add an IF test. To do this:
.. select the mergefield and make a copy of it. You should see something like «Date» «Date»
.. Press Ctrl-F9, to wrap a field around these, so that you get:
{ «Date» «Date» }
.. Fill in between the braces, paying careful attention to the spacing, so that you end up with:
{IF«Date»<> "12:00 AM" «Date»}

When you're done, run your mailmerge.

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