Merge IMAP file with existing .pst file?



On my outlook 2007, I have an existing .pst file into which I have been
pulling in two POP3 email accounts. I now need to change one into an IMAP
"pull" so that I can synchronize with my new blackberry (if someone has a
better way of doing this please share - I cannot get it to reconcile to my
Outlook on my laptop!). When I delete my one POP account and set it up as an
IMAP account, Outlook creates for me a new, separate .pst folder. So, I now
have email (in & out) located in two different files.

How do I merge the two into one pst file again? This won't work for me, and
surely other bb users make this work?

Thank you

Roady [MVP]

Not possible as IMAP accounts are a 2-way sync requiring their own delivery

I fail to follow your reasoning why you need this for your BlackBerry.


Perhaps I'm not doing my bb reconciliation correctly. I can get the desktop
manager to reconcile my calendar/tasks/notes/contacts to the Outlook on my
laptop, but all options for reconciling my email are greyed out.

I want to have a record of all my "sent" emails in one place ... ie in
Outlook. I can do a reconcile through the options on the bb, but it
reconciles with my POP3, not in Outlook. My thought is that if I change my
POP3 to IMAP then I can also download the synchronized sent folder to my
Outlook and I will have a complete record.

It's just me, my bb, and my outlook on my laptop. No network server, no

Thank you again

Roady [MVP]

Owkee, if your BlackBerry doesn't allow you to do a sync of the folders you
need, then it indeed might be a better approach to use IMAP instead. If you
can configure your BlackBerry to collect the IMAP account on its own, you'd
no longer be dependent for your email on your desktop or laptop. Of course
you'd need the sync for additional features such as Calendar an Contacts
which IMAP doesn't support.


I will work on moving to the bb once I know it better and feel I can "trust
it". For now, I have a workaround ... my one POP account is now an IMAP,
with its own .pst file. I can set up rules so that it moves everything from
the inbox into my original .pst file, so then I have both my IMAP and my
other POP account inmail all in one box. As I reply from there, all my
replies made on the laptop end up in the same sent folder. The only thing I
haven't been able to figure out rules for yet is how to automatically move
replies I made on my bb from the IMAP sent folder to the sent folder in my
original .pst file. May have to do that manually occasionally, but as long
as I have them I can do that every once in a while until I figure out another

Thank you for your help.


Hi Roady,
I am having a different problem but yet in the same field..
I installed Outlook 2007, pointed it to my good old .pst file which
was created and used by my previous Outlook 2003 so I will continue
from the same storage point..
Next phase, I configured my outlook 2007 to send/recieve mails using
my gmail account, and UNLIKE OUTLOOK 2003, it created a separate .pst
file for this gmail account and pulled all my gmail emails.
I would like to have only one .pst file for all my email accounts (1
pop3, 1 gmail (imap?), 1 exchange) just like I used to have in my
previous outlook 2003.

Is it possible?
If yes, how?
if not, why?
if not, how can I tell outlook 2007 to use the imap account with my
existing .pst file?


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Next phase, I configured my outlook 2007 to send/recieve mails using
my gmail account, and UNLIKE OUTLOOK 2003, it created a separate .pst
file for this gmail account and pulled all my gmail emails.
I would like to have only one .pst file for all my email accounts (1
pop3, 1 gmail (imap?), 1 exchange) just like I used to have in my
previous outlook 2003.

Is it possible?

Not possible.
If yes, how?
if not, why?

All versions of Outlook create separate folder sets for IMAP. Outlook 2003
did so, too, whether you recall that or not.
if not, how can I tell outlook 2007 to use the imap account with my
existing .pst file?

You can't.


Hi Brian,
Thanks for the reply.
All versions of Outlook create separate folder sets for IMAP.  Outlook 2003
did so, too, whether you recall that or not.

I am sure I had one .pst file (and one Personal Folders node
accordingly) that collected all my messages from all my email accounts
- gmail, exchange (http connection to the exchange server in my
office) and pop3.

And another general question -
How can get email notification regarding replies to this specific



Hi Brian,
Thanks for the reply.
Brian said:
All versions of Outlook create separate folder sets for IMAP. Outlook 2003
did so, too, whether you recall that or not.

I am sure that I had only one .pst file (and one "Personal Folders"
node respectively)
that stored the the emails from all my account (one gmail (imap) , one
exchange (http connecting to the exchange server in my office) and on
pop3 account).
Outlook 2007 behaves differently..

How can I subscribe to get email notifications specificaly regarding
this thread?



Hi Brian,
Thanks for the reply.
But -
I am SURE I jad only one .pst file (and one "Personal Folders" node
respectively) in my Outlook 2003,
and it served all my email account -
1. gmail account (I think it was IMAP, i am not sure)
2. exchange account (connecting to the exchange server in my office)
3. pop3 account
So, in my experience, the scenario in Outlook 2007 is new.

How can I subscribe to get email notifications specifically to this


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I am sure I had one .pst file (and one Personal Folders node
accordingly) that collected all my messages from all my email accounts
- gmail, exchange (http connection to the exchange server in my
office) and pop3.

You are wrong. Exchange and POP share a common folder set, but IMAP and
HTTP accounts have always had their own. Always.
And another general question -
How can get email notification regarding replies to this specific

Beats me. I don't use the brain-dead web interface, Use a newsreader.
You'll be happier.

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