merge info into table



When I try to merge from an excel file to create a table of several rows, I
created a table of one row with merge data inside. When I look at completed
doc I find a blank space between all entries. How do I merge into a table
without the blanks space between rows? Is the cursor position significant?
I've tried saving w the cursor in every position possible.


Suzanne: Thanks for getting back to me.
It looks like a blank line below the one-line tables. It could be a blank
row or a blank paragraph. I could email you what I see if you like.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Table | Show Gridlines. If it's an empty row, you'll see an empty row.
Ctrl+* to display nonprinting characters. If it's an empty paragraph, you'll
see a paragraph mark.

I assume you're creating a catalog/directory-type merge. When you do this,
you need to include just *one* table row followed by the default empty
paragraph. If you have an extra paragraph or table row, this will be
replicated for every record.


I see an empty row (nothing). Table/show gridlines shows nothing. Ctl+* does
nothing. I see no paragraph mark. -- Yes, I'm trying to create
catalog/directory merge. I want a table with my data inside (but with no
blank lines between entries.)
-- When I create the one row table should I be careful I not to put a hard
return in last before saving?


I've found out how to reveal format marks. (Tools etc). I see a paragraph
mark between the rows of my final document. If I delete them the doc prints
fine. But how do I prevent them in the first place. On the
one-row-table-to-be-merged-into I also see the paragraph mark on the line
below the one-row table, but I can't delete it.


Aha! I've found that if I remove the paragraph mark before the table then
the table prints fine. Thanks for sticking w me on this.
Now I have another problem: I have some colored text in my excel source
file, but when I merge into the table the text is black. How do I keep the
colored text?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Assuming that the color is created by conditional formatting in Excel, you
can't carry that over into Word. You *may* (using IF) fields be able to
replicate this in Word, but if you have more than two colors (black and a
color), you'll need nested IF fields.

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