Merge of a calculated date produces an error



I am using Microsoft Word 2002. I copied the following code from (I changed the bookmark name and number of days being

{QUOTE {SET Delay "29"}}{SET "NextPrevMonth" {IF {SALEDATE \@ "MM"} = 1
"12/97" "{ = { SALEDATE \@ "MM"} – 1 }/97" }}{SET "DaysInMonth" {IF {
NextPrevMonth \@ "MM"} <> 2{ = INT(30575*{NextPrevMonth \@ "MM"
}/1000+1/2)-INT(30575*{ ={NextPrevMonth \@ "MM"} – 1 }/1000+1/2) }{ IF { =
INT({SALEDATE \@ "yy" }/4) } = { = { SALEDATE \@ "yy"}/4) }"29" "28" } } }{
IF { = {SALEDATE \@ "dd"} – {REF Delay \* MERGEFORMAT} } > 0{QUOTE {
SALEDATE \@ "MMMM" }" "{ = { SALEDATE \@ "dd" } – { REF Delay \* MERGEFORMAT
} \# "0" }", "{ SALEDATE \@ "yyyy"}""}{QUOTE {NextPrevMonth \@ "MMMM" }" "{ =
{ SALEDATE \@ "dd"} – ( REF Delay \* MERGEFORMAT} + {DaysInMonth} \# "0"
}", "{ IF { SALEDATE \@ "MM"} <> 1 { SALEDATE \@ "yyyy"}{ = { SALEDATE \@
"yyyy"} – 1 \# "xxxx"}}""}}

When I merge the document with any SALEDATE in March, I receive an error
page that reads "A field calculation error occurred in record 2." When I
close the error page, the document I merged is underneath and the calculation
is correct (unless the SALEDATE is 03/01/2006 then it merges February 0,
2006). I suspect that this has something to do with February only having 28
days. Can anyone tell me what I can do to eliminate the error? Also, as an
added bonus, does anyone know how I can change the code so it won't merge
February 0, 2006?

Graham Mayor

Because of the difficulty in manually reproducing such complex fields there
are a couple of errors in your post that make it even more difficult to read
and if they are exactly culled from your document would contribute to the
error. What exactly are you trying to achieve?

You might do better downloading the most recent version of original document
on which such calculations were based. This is linked from (and from
Charles's site)

Paste the code from the source document into your merge document and use
replace to change DATE to Mergefield SALEDATE.

The macro at will make the transfer
of field codes to text for messaging much easier.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Hi Lani,

Part of the problem is that the code you're using only works reliably with a
maximum of 28 days. This limitation is mentioned on the site where you
obtained the code.

For a more reliable solution for this and just about everything else you
might want to do with dates in Word, check out my Date Calc 'tutorial', at:



Thank you for the macro to transfer field codes. That will be very useful in
the future.

I found a date calculation code that works on Woody's Lounge (posted by
macropod). Thank you for your help!


I found a date calculation code that works on your Date Calc 'tutorial'.

I had trouble figuring out why it did not work consistently when I
subtracted dates, but then I found a post explaining that I had to change the
output from d/mm/yyyy to mm/d/yyyy and now it works great. Thank you so much.

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