Merge Pics and Data in Word97 from Excel 97 ??



Can you help with this - I can merge data from Excel97
into Word97 no probs - but whatever I do I cannot get
pictures (jpegs etc) to merge. I can see the place holder
after merging but no pictures. I have looked in the
knowledge base for help - see Microsoft Article 114306. It
does not work for me. Perhaps someone can point me
somewhere to see a working example or send me a working
example so that I can see how its done / or step by step
instructions - let me know and I will email you for an

Hope you can help

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Ray,
Can you help with this - I can merge data from Excel97
into Word97 no probs - but whatever I do I cannot get
pictures (jpegs etc) to merge.
There are instructions on my website. I'm not sure what you
mean by the "picture placeholder", but you do have to
remember to Ctrl+A, F9 in the merge result document to
force the fields to update.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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Pat C.


These instructions work OK, as long as you DON'T save the
merge document.

I'm using Word 2002.

When I save the merge document, the MERGEFIELD
information is removed and the actual data from the first
merge record (the path & filename) are saved in its place.

Is there a way to save the document to reuse at a later



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Pat,
These instructions work OK, as long as you DON'T save the
merge document.

I'm using Word 2002.

When I save the merge document, the MERGEFIELD
information is removed and the actual data from the first
merge record (the path & filename) are saved in its place.

Is there a way to save the document to reuse at a later
Now, this is also something I've never seen before. So I
need to ask some follow-up questions:

1. Are we talking about the main merge document, or the
merge result document?

2. Use Alt+F9 to look at the IncludePicture field that
should be maintaining the proper link. Has anything about it
been changed (is it still there at all)? If it's been
changed, please describe what you see very exactly or
copy/paste the content of an unchanged field and a changed
field so that we can see what's been done.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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-----Original Message-----
Hi Pat,

Now, this is also something I've never seen before. So I
need to ask some follow-up questions:

1. Are we talking about the main merge document, or the
merge result document?

2. Use Alt+F9 to look at the IncludePicture field that
should be maintaining the proper link. Has anything about it
been changed (is it still there at all)? If it's been
changed, please describe what you see very exactly or
copy/paste the content of an unchanged field and a changed
field so that we can see what's been done.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e- mail


I have followed then instructions as on your web site -
still does not work and the error is "file name not
specified" Please note that I am using excel as the data
source. The photo field in the spreadsheet points to the
file.jpg in the same folder as the spreadsheet.
By place holder I mean a box does appear which should be
the picture, but it does not appear!!
Is there anywhere I can download a sample so that I can
test an example that works !!
Hope you can explain



1. Are we talking about the main merge document, or the
merge result document?
the main merge document
2. Use Alt+F9 to look at the IncludePicture field that
should be maintaining the proper link. Has anything about it
been changed (is it still there at all)? If it's been
changed, please describe what you see very exactly or
copy/paste the content of an unchanged field and a changed
field so that we can see what's been done.

Original text of the merge fields (before saving)

Text of the merge field AFTER saving.

To note: The contents of the "PICPATH" field is:
And, I'm using a DBF as the merge source.

Thanks for the help.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Pat,
Original text of the merge fields (before saving)

Text of the merge field AFTER saving.
Yep, this is the problem: MergeformatINET.

Go to Tools/OPtions/General/Web options/Files and
deactivate the checkbox about updating file links when
saving. This is only supposed to kick in when saving to
HTML format, but it's broken in Word 2002 and triggers for
normal documents, as well.

Now you should be able to save with impunity :)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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Cindy M -WordMVP-

I have followed then instructions as on your web site -
still does not work and the error is "file name not
specified" Please note that I am using excel as the data
source. The photo field in the spreadsheet points to the
file.jpg in the same folder as the spreadsheet.
By place holder I mean a box does appear which should be
the picture, but it does not appear!!
Check in Tools/Options/View whether "Picture placeholder"
has been activated. If it has, turn it off and you should
be OK?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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That did it!

Thank you so much!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Pat,

Yep, this is the problem: MergeformatINET.

Go to Tools/OPtions/General/Web options/Files and
deactivate the checkbox about updating file links when
saving. This is only supposed to kick in when saving to
HTML format, but it's broken in Word 2002 and triggers for
normal documents, as well.

Now you should be able to save with impunity :)

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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-----Original Message-----
Check in Tools/Options/View whether "Picture placeholder"
has been activated. If it has, turn it off and you should
be OK?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Sep 30 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e- mail

Hi - Thanks but this was turned off (not ticked) - I have
shown below the formula entered into the word document and
the result - hope this helps ?? I am using Excel 97 as the

{INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\Documents and
settings\\RKING\\Desktop\\test\\{MERGEFIELD Photo}"}

Results in:
Error! Filename not specified.
The spreadsheet, the word document and the images are all
store in the same folder "test"

My spreadsheet looks like :

Name Description Price Photo
Bell Alarm Clock 25 Chubb.jpg
candle Holder Holds candles 35 tank blaze.tif
Cash Box with lid 45 C:\\Documents
and Settings\\RKING\\Desktop\\test\\Chubb.jpg

As you can see, I have tried it with just a file name and
also with a path - still does work for me


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