I have an excel sheet with 246 columns with a header row and one row o
data. Each field contains text data varying in length. Some fields ar
empty. I have tried to merge directly to Word but get the error "can'
open the data source". When I save the sheet to a txt file and merge t
word it prompts me that record 16 is empty and each subsequent record i
empty up to record number 245 (which necessitates hitting Enter for eac
record) and inserts a paragraph mark for each empty field. I have trie
umpteeen ways of saving the data and creating the merge with n
Firstly why is Word trying to print non existent records?
and secondly why is Word printing blank lines for each empty field.
("Don't print blank lines when data fields are empty" option is ticked
data. Each field contains text data varying in length. Some fields ar
empty. I have tried to merge directly to Word but get the error "can'
open the data source". When I save the sheet to a txt file and merge t
word it prompts me that record 16 is empty and each subsequent record i
empty up to record number 245 (which necessitates hitting Enter for eac
record) and inserts a paragraph mark for each empty field. I have trie
umpteeen ways of saving the data and creating the merge with n
Firstly why is Word trying to print non existent records?
and secondly why is Word printing blank lines for each empty field.
("Don't print blank lines when data fields are empty" option is ticked