What kind of database?
You can try the following if you want, but you may find that you end up
having to re-apply your formatting anyway:
a. Enable the Database menu (Tools|Customize|Customize Toolbars/Menus)
b. Use the Insert Database icon to insert your data (if it isn't in a
format Word can work with, such as a Word table, an Excel worksheet, or a
comma-delimted text file, then you will need to export it from your database
first). You can apply some Autoformatting using one of the dialog buttons.
Ensure you insert the data as a field.
c. If you want more specific formatting, try the following (no guarantees
that it will work):
- apply the fomatting you want
- reveal the field codes, e.g. using the Data Merge Manager dialog box
icons. You will see something like
{ DATABASE blah blah }
- type \*Mergeformat before the }
so you have
{ DATABASE blah blah \*Mergeformat }
Try re-executing the field.
Then you don't need a merge.
If you need to use a merge, use a Catalog merge and just do the layout for
one row. Do not have anything else in the document. Do the merge to a new
document, and add the header row manually.
Peter Jamieson
Are you trying to preseve the layout of a predefined form, or would it be
enough to use one of Word's predefined table layouts?