Merge two rows into one, then merge into mailer?



I'm working with an excell sheet that due to seperate parcel numbers is
showing duplicate/multiply addresses for the same company (which is why there
are the duplicate addresses). I'm trying to find if there is a way to merge
or combine the seperate parcel numbers into one so as to eliminate the
duplication and create one address for the mailer showing the various parcel
numbers that pertain to the addressee?

Parcel # Name Addressess City
503.56.001H TV LAND PO Box 1111 Mesa AZ
503.56.001I TV LAND PO Box 1111 Mesa AZ

I need the Parcel #'s to show as one (i.e. 503.56.001H, 503.56.001I) and
then delete the duplicate or multiply rows that shows the same land owner etc.

I can create a merge formula using the &"" formula however; I have over
4,000 names and to do this individually will take hours if not days.

Does anybody know a short cut or a Merge Format in Word that will do what I
need it to do?

We only want one mailer to go to each property owner not multiplies just
because they own more than one piece of property.

Thanks for any help or advise.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Sounds like you are probably trying to perform a "multiple items per
condition (=key field)" mailmerge which Word does not really have the
ability to do:

See the "Group Multiple items for a single condition" item on fellow MVP
Cindy Meister's website at

Or take a look at the following Knowledge Base Article;en-us;211303

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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