Merge Two Tables




I need to figure out what is the easiest way to do this is. I have
two tables that have the following columns:

AcctNbr, GiftRef, Gdate, PayCode, Amt

Table 2
GiftRef, Amt, MotvCode, FundId

I need to merge the two tables with GiftRef being the common table
between them. I have exported the tables from MSSQL to Access and am
wondering what the easiest way to do this is. Is there an SQL Query
that can merge the two tables on export by GiftRef? Is it easier to
do this in Access now that I've exported the two Tables? Any help on
this would be awesome. Thanks.

Jeff Boyce

Open a new query.

Add the two tables.

Join them on the common field(s).

Select which field(s) you want displayed for output.

Run it.

When the query returns the records you want, export the query.

Good luck


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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