Merge with Word 2003!




I have created a class merge in my VB6 app which does a nice mail merge with
word 2000, I have been using this for the last three years. However I have
recently gone over to Word 2003 and when I try to use use my mail merge it
comes up with Run-time error '5631' Word could not merge the main document
with the data source because the data records were empty or no data records
matched your query options. I have had a look on the Microsoft website and
it suggests to Save the Data document before attempting the Merge, which I
have done and it works fine, however this isn;t really the work around I was
after as I do not want to save the data document as it will be used over and
over for different reports. Was wondering if anyone out there had a
workaround in which I didn;t have to save the data document - would
appreciate the help on this.



Peter Jamieson

as I do not want to save the data document as it will be used over and
over for different reports

There's nothing I can do about this change in behaviour in Word 2003, but in
what way does saving the data document affect your ability to re-use it?


When you save the data document it obviously saves the data which has been
loaded into it, when it gets used again it will be loaded with a different
set of data, how would I be able to tell it to load the most current data.
Plus if this is getting used a lot then the document is going to become very
big very soon.



Have just tried it with another report and it loads the first reports data
and the second report data into the same document, I need it to be a fresh
data document every time but because it has to be saved I cannot do this.
Any ideas? Appreciate the help as would like to move to Word 2003 but if I
cannot resolve this will have to stick with Word 2000 or XP.



Peter Jamieson

As far as I can see you need to change the way you maintain your data

So far I've been assuming that it is in fact a Word document, but maybe that
is not the case.

If you save the data document, your code could for example
a. re-open it if it exists, or create it if it does not
b. delete all the contents if you are rep-opening
c. populate the document
d. save it
e. merge

Or you might be able to do the following:
a. delete it if it exists
b. creat and populate a new document
c. save it
d. merge

I think you would only run into problems if the user was able to keep a mail
merge main document open that referenced a saved document. Then, you might
have problems opening it/deleting it/updating it. But as long as an error is
returned in those situations you could create a new document and leave the
existing one alone.


Thanks for your reply.

So basically if I want to use Word 2003, I am going to have to completely
change my mail merge process. This would be far to time consuming as I have
18 data documents and over 100 reports that reference them. Will have to
stick with Word XP as this works without any problems.

Thanks again for your time & help.


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