I'm merging data of 250 people into a directory - on preview all the first 20
or so are there (haven't checked further). Complete the merge to a new
document and some of the first 20 just disappear. I use an Access table for
the source data and I've tried converting it to a Word doc but the same thing
Which ones get lost varies with where they come in the list - ie if I take
out the first two recipients then I lose different people.
It worked with Windows 98SE & Word 97. I now have XP & Office 2003 and can
merge envelopes with no problem using the same data.
or so are there (haven't checked further). Complete the merge to a new
document and some of the first 20 just disappear. I use an Access table for
the source data and I've tried converting it to a Word doc but the same thing
Which ones get lost varies with where they come in the list - ie if I take
out the first two recipients then I lose different people.
It worked with Windows 98SE & Word 97. I now have XP & Office 2003 and can
merge envelopes with no problem using the same data.