Texas Nuckols
I have a label template that I merge with data from Excel Spreadsheet. Need
to keep the multiple pages of labels in consecutive order. So I entered a
Page Number in the footer on the template. All pages are numbered 1 after
the merge. So I removed the Page Number from the template; merged the labels
to a New Document and THEN inserted Page Numbers. They are STILL all page 1.
How can I do what I need to do? I am sure it has something to do with the
section breaks, but that's what you get when you merge pages of labels.
to keep the multiple pages of labels in consecutive order. So I entered a
Page Number in the footer on the template. All pages are numbered 1 after
the merge. So I removed the Page Number from the template; merged the labels
to a New Document and THEN inserted Page Numbers. They are STILL all page 1.
How can I do what I need to do? I am sure it has something to do with the
section breaks, but that's what you get when you merge pages of labels.