Mergeing two Arrays


Paul W Smith

Has anyone got any sample code for merging two sorted one dimensional arrays
into one sorted new one?


A1 = (2, 4, 6, 8)
A2 = (2, 3, 4, 9, 10)

RESULT = (2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10)


How about putting both arrays in one column of a
worksheet, sorting it, then copying the column to
the final array.


Dave Peterson

John Walkenbach has some sample code at:

That builds a list of unique values using a collection and then sorts that

You could do the same type of thing:

Option Explicit
Sub RemoveDuplicates()
Dim Arr1 As Variant
Dim Arr2 As Variant
Dim Arr3 As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim Swap1, Swap2, Item
Dim NoDupes As Collection

Set NoDupes = New Collection

Arr1 = Array(2, 4, 6, 8)
Arr2 = Array(2, 3, 4, 9, 10)

On Error Resume Next
For i = LBound(Arr1) To UBound(Arr1)
NoDupes.Add Arr1(i), CStr(Arr1(i))
Next i
For i = LBound(Arr2) To UBound(Arr2)
NoDupes.Add Arr2(i), CStr(Arr2(i))
Next i
On Error GoTo 0

For i = 1 To NoDupes.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To NoDupes.Count
If NoDupes(i) > NoDupes(j) Then
Swap1 = NoDupes(i)
Swap2 = NoDupes(j)
NoDupes.Add Swap1, before:=j
NoDupes.Add Swap2, before:=i
NoDupes.Remove i + 1
NoDupes.Remove j + 1
End If
Next j
Next i

ReDim Arr3(1 To NoDupes.Count)
i = 0
For Each Item In NoDupes
i = i + 1
Arr3(i) = Item
Next Item

End Sub

Dave Ring

This will merge two zero-based arrays A1() and A2() into
zero-based array A3().

Dave Ring

Sub Merge(A1(), A2(), A3())
Dim N1&, N2&, N3&, I&, J&, K&

N1 = UBound(A1): N2 = UBound(A3): N3 = N1 + N2
Redim A3(0 to N3)
I = 0: J = 0: K = 0
If A1(I) <= A2(J) Then
A3(K) = A1(I): I = I + 1: K = K + 1
If I > N1 Then
A3(K) = A2(J): J = J + 1: K = K + 1
Loop Until J > N2
Exit Do
End If
A3(K) = A2(J): J = J + 1: K = K + 1
If J > N2 Then
A3(K) = A1(I): I = I + 1: K = K + 1
Loop Until I > N1
Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub

Dave Ring

This will merge two sorted arrays of variant. If you want another data
type, just dimension A1 to A3 accordingly.

Dave Ring

Sub Merge(A1(), A2(), A3())
Dim I&, J&, K&, N1&, N2&, N3&

'merges sorted arrays A1 and A2 into A3
N1 = UBound(A1) + 1 'if array is 0 based
N2 = UBound(A2) + 1
N3 = N1 + N2
ReDim A3(0 To N3 - 1) 'again, 0 based
I = 0: J = 0: K = 0
If A1(I) <= A2(J) Then
A3(K) = A1(I): I = I + 1: K = K + 1
If I = N1 Then 'A1 is used up, so
Do 'move the rest of A2
A3(K) = A1(J): J = J + 1: K = K + 1
Loop Until J = N2: Exit Do
End If
A3(K) = A1(J): J = J + 1: K = K + 1
If J = N2 Then 'A2 is used up, so
Do 'move the rest of A1
A3(K) = A1(I): I = I + 1: K = K + 1
Loop Until I = N1: Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub

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