mergemail query



I'm using Office2007
The concept is a access application to manage a set of "calamities".
In the database are different parties envolved where we want to write
letters, memo's ... to with the correct information.
I made a (different) query(s) with the gathered information from multiple
tables. The result of this selectionquery(s) I want to link to one or more
different Word-documents.
I tried following:
1. making a criterium-query with as criterium the value of the record open
in my introduction-screen. In the query I put in the "DosRef" column
[Forms].[DosIn].[DosRef]. When I open de query in dataview, the selection
works perfectly. When I try to merge these data with a word document, my
query (qryAdvMijMail) does even not appear in the "source" screen. Hard to
make a merge of course.
2. try: I let the query without any criterium, but I try to limit the list
introducing a "condition" in a macro which opens the word-application. The
word-application opens but => Result "missing some data - unable to open the

I vaguely remember I had a look-alike problem in Access2003. I thought using
the DDE-link solved my problem.... but no way this time.
Thanks for any help.

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