Using your example, what I want is:
NameID 1 Fred Bloggs, "1 The High street", "3 The Strand"
NameID 2 Joe Smith, "2 The Mall"
It's really more complicated than I stated, because there are phone
numbers, addresses, and another small reference table. I was able to do
what I want, but it required many small queries. Using only addresses as
the example, this is pretty much what I did:
1) Create new fields in my primary Names table to contain the extra
address info
2) Create a new addresses table that contains all the old addresses table
info, plus one new column, RefNum
SELECT Addresses.Reference, Addresses.Address1, Addresses.Address2,
Addresses.Address3, Addresses.City, Addresses.State, Addresses.Zip,
Addresses.Country, Addresses.ID, Addresses.primarykey, [RefNumx] AS RefNum
INTO AddressesNew
FROM Addresses
ORDER BY Addresses.ID;
3) Create a new table that contains the number of Duplicates from the new
address table (rinse and repeat 3 times, that's the max number of dupes)
SELECT First(AddressesNew.ID) AS [AID Field], Count(AddressesNew.ID) AS
NumOfDups INTO AddressDupes1of3
FROM AddressesNew
GROUP BY AddressesNew.ID
HAVING (((Count(AddressesNew.ID))=1))
ORDER BY Count(AddressesNew.ID);
4) Update the RefNum field in the new addresses table to 1, 2, or 3. I
used 3 queries to achieve this.
UPDATE AddressesNew INNER JOIN AddressDupes1of3 ON AddressesNew.ID =
AddressDupes1of3.[AID Field] SET AddressesNew.RefNum = '1';
5) Update the Names table for the extra addresses. I used 3 queries for
this, the one below updates the 'BusinessAddress' if RefNum = 1.
UPDATE NamesNew INNER JOIN AddressesNew ON NamesNew.ID=AddressesNew.ID SET
NamesNew.BusinessReference = addressesnew.reference,
NamesNew.BusinessAddress1 = addressesnew.address1,
NamesNew.BusinessAddress2 = addressesnew.address2,
NamesNew.BusinessAddress3 = addressesnew.address3, NamesNew.BusinessCity =, NamesNew.BusinessState = addressesnew.state,
NamesNew.BusinessZip =, NamesNew.BusinessCountry =
WHERE AddressesNew.RefNum='1';
And that's it. Rinse and repeat the process for phone numbers or
JohnFol said:
Hi Malcolm,
Within the Make Table you must be combining the 2 tables somehow. I'll
guess you do it with a simple join between the two tables on the ID
field. I will also guess the problem is this:
ID 1 Fred Bloggs
ID 2 Joe Smith
NameID 1 "1 The High street"
NameID 2 "2 The Mall"
NameID 1 "3 The Strand"
When you join them you get
NameID 1 Fred Bloggs, "1 The High street"
NameID 2 Joe Smith, "2 The Mall"
NameID 1 Fred Bloggs, "3 The Strand"
And you want
NameID 1 Fred Bloggs, "1 The High street"
NameID 2 Joe Smith, "2 The Mall"
To do this you need another query or 2. First, you need to get a list of
PK's from address for the first ocurrence of each ID, something like
Select Address.PK, Min(NameID) from Address group by
(Save this as Q1)
Then you get the adderss details based on this
Select Address.* from Address where in (select Address.PK
from Q1)
(save this as Q2)
Now, in your Make Table, use Q2 and link it with table Names