Becky Windsor
Okay, I need to merge a column from my Locations table with my InvLocs table
sorted by a shared column in both (Locations.Descr & InvLocs.LocName)
Locations table goes as such:
ID1-internal auto number
Location - location #s (ie. 001.01.00001)
Stortype - (ie site, whse, bin)
ID - Bin name, etc
Descr - Bin name merged with a whse name (same as LocName in InvLocs)
Locdesc - formatted (site:whse:bin)
InvLocs table goes as such:
Inv_no - Internal #
Location - <blank for now; where i need data to go to>
Descr - same as Location's Descr
What i need is the location from Locations to be input into the InvLocs
location... but it'd be defined by what was in Descr/LocName... like in
InvLocs inv_no 1 & 2 are bin 001.01.00001 and inv_no 3-5 are 001.01.00002
I'm very new at Access and would probably need stuff pretty spelled out for
me. Thanks in advance for any help.
sorted by a shared column in both (Locations.Descr & InvLocs.LocName)
Locations table goes as such:
ID1-internal auto number
Location - location #s (ie. 001.01.00001)
Stortype - (ie site, whse, bin)
ID - Bin name, etc
Descr - Bin name merged with a whse name (same as LocName in InvLocs)
Locdesc - formatted (site:whse:bin)
InvLocs table goes as such:
Inv_no - Internal #
Location - <blank for now; where i need data to go to>
Descr - same as Location's Descr
What i need is the location from Locations to be input into the InvLocs
location... but it'd be defined by what was in Descr/LocName... like in
InvLocs inv_no 1 & 2 are bin 001.01.00001 and inv_no 3-5 are 001.01.00002
I'm very new at Access and would probably need stuff pretty spelled out for
me. Thanks in advance for any help.