Merging Access into text boxes


Stacie Z

We have a letterhead that is vertical on the left margin of our paper (we print it each time since our board is constantly changing) - we created a template in word using a text box on the right since there are so many issues printing to the second page using column layout. We can not merge from access into the text box without problems - can anyone recommend what we can change on the merge or even the letterhead layout so this process will work more efficiently. Thanks!



Don't use a texbox on the right side of the page. Just use
a wide left margin so the text on the right doesn't
interfere with the letterhead on the left. It is not a
good idea to merge into a text box.

-----Original Message-----
We have a letterhead that is vertical on the left margin
of our paper (we print it each time since our board is
constantly changing) - we created a template in word using
a text box on the right since there are so many issues
printing to the second page using column layout. We can
not merge from access into the text box without problems -
can anyone recommend what we can change on the merge or
even the letterhead layout so this process will work more
efficiently. Thanks!

Peter Jamieson

You could try converting your textbox to a frame (Format|Text Box|Text
Box|Convert to Frame) or simply redo the text box stuff using a frame - you
need to find the Insert|Frame command using Tools|Customize and drag it to a
menu or toolbar to do that. This kind of Frame is not the same as an HTML
frame - Word frames are the predecessor of textboxes and are usually a bit
more "merge-friendly"

Peter Jamieson - Word MVP
Word MVP web site

Stacie Z said:
We have a letterhead that is vertical on the left margin of our paper (we
print it each time since our board is constantly changing) - we created a
template in word using a text box on the right since there are so many
issues printing to the second page using column layout. We can not merge
from access into the text box without problems - can anyone recommend what
we can change on the merge or even the letterhead layout so this process
will work more efficiently. Thanks!

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