Lisa at Theatre BC
re: Something I forgot to mention is that there's a checkbox in that dialog
makes it so you don't have to keep clicking for the rest of that instance of
email. You can select 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes...whatever.
Yes, I get this dialog box and always click one of the time choices but it
doesn't make one bit of difference...I still end up confirming each and every
email that I want to send out. I can't even do it by importing all the
addresses into my Outllook contacts (which I thought would help) It still
warns me and wants that confirmation for each one. Thsi was something that
used to be a breeze to do and now it's impossible. What gives??!!!
makes it so you don't have to keep clicking for the rest of that instance of
email. You can select 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes...whatever.
Yes, I get this dialog box and always click one of the time choices but it
doesn't make one bit of difference...I still end up confirming each and every
email that I want to send out. I can't even do it by importing all the
addresses into my Outllook contacts (which I thought would help) It still
warns me and wants that confirmation for each one. Thsi was something that
used to be a breeze to do and now it's impossible. What gives??!!!