Merging another Word document into my main Word document




I've been trying to merge certain paragraphs to my main
Word document. In order to merge another paragraph, I
have to save that paragraph onto another Word document and
merge that paragraph document onto my main document. In
order to do that I have to code it somehow in my main
document and give the path to where the paragraph document
is. I've searched all over the place to find a solution
but nothing was helpful. Please help me!!!


Peter Jamieson

It isn't completely clear what you are really trying to do, but in all
probability you need to put your texts either in Autotext entries (which are
carried around with the document/template and use AUTOTEXT fields to include
them, or put them in separate Word .doc fiels and use INCLUDETEXT fields to
include them, e.g.

{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\\mydocs\\includeddoc1.doc" }

or put them all into a single Word .doc file, select each paragraph in turn
and insert a bookmark name for it, then use an INCLUDETEXT field with a
bookmark, e.g.

{ INCLUDETEXT "c:\\mydocs\\myparas.doc" "mybookmarkname" }

where {} can be inserted using ctrl-F9 etc.

What you will probably need to do then is to work out how to get the
/correct/ paragraph into the document at the correct point, but wthout
knowing more about what you are attempting it is difficult to make

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi James,
I've been trying to merge certain paragraphs to my main
Word document. In order to merge another paragraph, I
have to save that paragraph onto another Word document and
merge that paragraph document onto my main document. In
order to do that I have to code it somehow in my main
document and give the path to where the paragraph document
is. I've searched all over the place to find a solution
but nothing was helpful.
Not much about your message is helpful, either, I'm afraid.

Let's start with the very basics:
1) Which version of Word are we discussing
2) Are you talking about MAIL Merge (the topic of this
group), or something else? Do you even know what MAIL merge

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thanks Peter,

What you replied with is the answer I have been looking
for. Thanks very much. But I had figured it out already on
the day I posted this message. Thank You anyways.


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