PCOR said:
Is there a way to merge TWO different people on one page.
I know how to do a merge of letter and data to add one addresses per page, I
would like to place TWO address on each page. I will cut the page in half
before mailing
Make your form letter half a page long, then copy and paste a copy of
it onto the same page. Insert a Word field, "<<Next Record>>" between
the two copies. Merge as usual.
To make the cutting in half work, it's probably easiest to use a table
with three rows and one column. If your top and bottom margins are x,
then the row heights will be (8.5"-4x)/2, 2x, and (8.5"-4x)/2x,
respectively. (Actually, your bottom margin will probably have to be
slightly smaller than x, to accomodate the paragraph mark after the
table. Alternatively, you can make the paragraph mark's font size
really, really tiny.) Write the form letter text in the first row,
format it as you desire, and once you have it perfect, copy it into
the third row. The middle row is the margin between the two copies.
If it's easier, you can use a two-to-a-page label template (modify an
Avery 8389 Postcard, for instance) to set up the form letter. This
method will take care of all the needed merge fields for you.