merging docs


Felipe Garcia

there is a way to merge different documents into a final one document, and
every document hold it's own formatting ?

because i'm doing this:
1 selecting all document content using a range,
2 Copy() document content
3 Paste() document content in the final doc
4 InsertBreakAfter(WdBreakType.wdSectionBreakNextPage)

if there are more than one document selected repeat steps 1 through 4.

What's wrong ?
Because in some case the final doc contains messy formatting

thanks a lot.

Felipe Garcia

Hi Peter,
Here is the problem i'm dealing with legal templates, so each template has
your own *specific-annoying* formatting. At first time i tried insert file,
it's worked, but the format of the template were lost.

Peter Hewett

Hi Felipe Garcia

If the documents you are merging are based on different templates and they use the same
style names then you are going to have problems. If you think about it this makes sense.
Say document A defines style "Normal" as Times New Roman and Document B defines style
"Normal" as Arial. Now you merge them together, the resultant document can only have one
"Normal" style, so the formatting of the document you are pasting into is used.

You'll have create more consistent templates to create your documents from, painful but it
can be done. The other option is that you have to reformat the resultant document - and
there's no easy solution for this either.

HTH + Cheers - Peter

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