Merging Excel Data into Word 2002



Within the Excel data, there are a number of fields which are numeric
some calculated by formulas.

When I merge those fields into Word, the numeric value is the 'Text
value of the field within Excel.

This means that numeric values can appear as a whole number or as
partial number rounded to infinity.

What I desperately want is the result to be rounded (2), but canno
find a resolution to this.

Can anyone suggest a solution

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi JulianB,

You'll find a discussion about this in the mail merge FAQ on my website.
Basically, for this you need
- either a numeric picture switch in the merge field
- to use a DDE connection
- convert the column's results to "pure text" (and Format/Cell will NOT
work for this, as the ODBC driver being used for the connection will
still see this informatin as numeric)
Within the Excel data, there are a number of fields which are numeric,
some calculated by formulas.

When I merge those fields into Word, the numeric value is the 'Text'
value of the field within Excel.

This means that numeric values can appear as a whole number or as a
partial number rounded to infinity.

What I desperately want is the result to be rounded (2), but cannot
find a resolution to this.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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