Merging multiple rows within column



Scanned an OCR table into Word and it created a table that has 8 columns with
16 rows (with bits of text on each row). Is there a way to highlight the
whole table and tell it to keep the 8 column format but merge the 16 rows
into one without losing the text so I end up with an 8x1 table?

Lene Fredborg

You cannot merge the cells in one operation. You need to merge the cells in
one column at a time. It does not take long if you do it as follows:
Select the first column, right-click and select Merge Cells. For each of the
remaining columns, select the column and press F4 to repeat the merge

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word


Rats. I was really hoping it would treat it like in Excel where can merge
the rows in one column, click on format painter and then highlight the rest
of the columns. Thanks anyway!

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