Merging Scenarios


Mary Ann

I created a file which I then sent to two people to create best and worst
case scenarios for their input cells. All scenario names are unique – we’ve
added our initials after the Best Case etc.

I have merged the scenarios from the other two people into my file and
created a Scenario Pivot Table Report.

I am using the pivot table report because it enables me to see the combined
impact of the different scenarios, which it does.

However, the page fields are showing only the options of All and MyName. I
changed the Author field in the file properties to indicate the other
people’s names before I sent it to them but this seems to have no effect.

How can I control the name which appears in the page field drop down?

I am using 2003.

Debra Dalgleish

The Scenario should take the name that's in Tools>Options, General tab,
in the User box, when the Scenario is created.

Mary Ann

Ah!...That explains it. Thank you.

Debra Dalgleish said:
The Scenario should take the name that's in Tools>Options, General tab,
in the User box, when the Scenario is created.

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