Hey boots...just because you are frustrated and don't understand the answers
given, doesn't mean that Mary hasn't carefully listened and answered your
questions. Come on...she even took the time to create special instructions
just for you. She does not work for Microsoft, and the method that you can't
seem to understand is undocumented because Mary created it on her own time.
She is a volunteer who patiently spends countless hours trying to help
people, even when they act like jerks. Just because you don't understand
the answers you have been given, it doesn't give you the right to act so
rudely to someone who has gone out of their way to try to help you.
Perhaps you should have posted your questions in the correct newsgroup to
begin with...this newsgroup is for web building with Publisher. Try the
regular Publisher newsgroup, and see if someone there can write an answer in
the way you want to read it, but I wouldn't expect better answers than you
have already been given.
Or perhaps chill out, quit having a tantrum and go back and study the method
and answers that Mary has described until you figure it out. Its all
there...just take some personal responsibility and quit blaming others for
your own inability to understand directions.
Perhaps invest some time learning the basics of merging and data sources.
Read about the subjects under Help. Read the material here:
And if it is beyond your capacity to understand, then perhaps you should
call Microsoft support, and after paying for the call, expect to be told
that your solution is to copy and paste.
Mary has endless patience, even for people that act like you...I don't. You
owe her an apology!