I don't know if this is even possible:
I would like to set a userform with the facility to merge different
detail for different people. Example:
If a user types in the intials for person ABC, the telephone extension
number, email address and signature block for ABC go into the document
to predefined Bookmarks eg Extension, Email and Signature. Then if some
one else types in different initals for a different person, eg CDE,
their detail merges to the Bookmarks instead.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks
I don't know if this is even possible:
I would like to set a userform with the facility to merge different
detail for different people. Example:
If a user types in the intials for person ABC, the telephone extension
number, email address and signature block for ABC go into the document
to predefined Bookmarks eg Extension, Email and Signature. Then if some
one else types in different initals for a different person, eg CDE,
their detail merges to the Bookmarks instead.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks